Order Placement

  • Add to Cart – You should add the preferred product and quantity to the website. You can view the summary of his order through cart button. At this stage you can still opt to continue shopping, change the quantity, or delete and add an item. If the product details are final, the you will be asked to checkout.
  • Check-out – The checkout page will require you to provide the shipping information (contact person, contact mobile/phone number, complete address and landmark). At this stage, you can still go back to your cart to edit the product details.
  • Payment – When order details are final, you will be opted to choose your preferred payment gateway and will be asked to fill-up the payment details. An order notification will be sent to your email as order confirmation. For Online Banking and over-the-counter payments, the payment instructions will be sent to your email.
  • Shipment – Notifications regarding order and shipping status updates will be sent to you. You can also check the status of your order from the account under the cart tab.
  • Closing of an Order – The order will be set to “completed” once the item has been delivered to you as recipient.

Order Placement - includes order confirmation, processing and shipment

  • Order Confirmation
    Payment complete/verified – PerfectHealth will proceed to order processing
    Pending Payment – Aging unpaid orders will be automatically canceled after 7 business days.
  • Order Fulfilment
    The order will be processed upon payment completion.
  • Shipment
    The order will be shipped within 5-7 business days after the sale ends.